Friday, May 16, 2008

Blist Be Your Name

Yes, it does sound like a prayer, and a granted one at that! Blist is a blessing for those who need a hip way to manage simple lists and databases. This might be a hit for the masses who's not inclined to APIs and code. Blist is for those who just need a simple friendly way to store and share lists. The user-interface of Blist is also very appealing, which would definitely make it a mainstream hit.
Blist might seem like a competitor to Zoho DB/Creator, but I think each of them caters to different types of 'list' audiences. Developers and users with more database needs might find Zoho's suite fit for their advanced purposes. But the utter simplicity of Blist, the rich interface, and the social dimension will serve the casual database needs of the masses.


Saturday, May 10, 2008

Early Bird on Aviary

Just tried out this new image-editing app from Aviary.
Aviary's Phoenix is like a simplified photoshop that you can run from your browser. I think kids and teens will love it. Its also perfect for casual users who need to do simple edits on photos.
The interface is flash-based, so the flash plug-in is the only one thing you need to install in order to be able to use this app. With flash being vector-based, it gives phoenix a vector feel. I felt more compelled to play with the vector shapes to create cute images with just a few clicks.
As with any cloud app, the images you compose are stored on the web, and can be accessed by others to clone, collaborate upon, or make derivatives from. This setup will naturally make its repository of user-generated images grow exponentially. And if they add tagging capabilities it will further attract more users.
Aviary has a suite of cloud tools for video, music, and other digital content.
The Phoenix image editor from Aviary already has a lot of potential. And Aviary itself - with all its exciting variety of cloud apps - will be a killer.
